One Minute Astronomy ~MBA天文家Ray (星のソムリエ®星空案内人)の1分間天文教室

宇宙や星空をもっと身近でワクワクするものへ♪ MBA天文家Rayが宇宙と星空の不思議をわかりやすく解説します。


紫金山・アトラス彗星はいつまで見られるの?~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室

彗星の見つけ方としては、日没後に西の低空で金星を見つけましょう。一番明るい星なので比較的見つけやすいはずです。次は少し離れた右の少し上の方にある2番目に明るい星、うしかい座アルクトゥールスを見つけましょう。彗星は大体その中間辺りにあり、日毎に高度を上げていきます。ちなみに高度を簡単に測るには、目安として手を伸ばして握り拳を縦にすると約10度位になります。彗星の位置を更に詳しく知りたい場合は便利なアプリもあります。Commet Bookは彗星が今、または指定の時刻にどこにあるかを星図と共に教えてくれます。
*How long can we see the Tsuchunshan-ATLAS Comet?
The Tsuchunshan-ATLAS Comet has been at its best viewing point since late September. When I was a child, Halley's Comet caused a huge sensation, but it seems that this comet hasn't garnered as much attention in the news. However, it's been a hot topic on social media, with many observation reports and photos of the comet being posted. Although I couldn’t observe it due to bad weather in late September, I was able to see it last weekend, on October 13th and 14th, when the weather was good. The comet was truly beautiful as I saw it from a dark, unlit beach. So, how long can we see the Tsuchunshan-ATLAS Comet?
The Tsuchunshan-ATLAS Comet is gradually dimming as it moves away from the sun, but it will be visible until around the end of October. The comet made its closest approach to Earth on October 13th, with a brightness of around 1.5 to 3 magnitude. However, with an altitude of only 5 degrees, it was difficult to observe unless you were in an open area. While it will gradually dim, its altitude will increase, making it easier to observe even from city locations. On October 19th, it will be at an altitude of 26 degrees to the west-southwest at 6 PM, with a brightness of around 2.5 to 4 magnitude. After that, its altitude will continue to rise, and by October 30th, it will be at an altitude of 39 degrees to the west-southwest around 6 PM, with a brightness of 4 to 6 magnitude.
To find the comet, start by spotting Venus low in the western sky after sunset. Since it’s the brightest star, it should be relatively easy to locate. Next, find the second-brightest star, Arcturus in the constellation Boötes, slightly above and to the right. The comet will be located roughly in between, gradually increasing in altitude each day. As a tip for measuring altitude, if you extend your arm and hold your fist vertically, that’s about 10 degrees. If you want more precise information on the comet’s position, there are convenient apps available. One such app, Comet Book, shows the exact location of the comet at the current time or a specified time, along with a star chart.
I hope this celestial spectacle inspires more people to take an interest in space and the starry skies.