One Minute Astronomy ~MBA天文家Ray (星のソムリエ®星空案内人)の1分間天文教室

宇宙や星空をもっと身近でワクワクするものへ♪ MBA天文家Rayが宇宙と星空の不思議をわかりやすく解説します。


4月の星空の見どころは? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室4月の星空の見どころは?


4/2 下弦
4/4 清明(太陽黄経15度)
4/9 新月
4/16 土用の入り(太陽黄経27度)、上弦
4/19 穀雨(太陽黄経30度)
4/22 こと座流星群
4/24 満月

水星:月初 日の入り後 西の低空
火星:日の出前 東の低空
木星:月初 日の入り後西の空
土星:日の出前 東から南東の低空


*What are the highlights of the night sky in April?
Spring is the perfect season for gazing at the night sky, with its warm weather and the gradual shift of winter constellations sinking in the west to make way for those of spring.

■Stargazing Calendar:
4/2 Third Quarter Moon
4/4 Qingming (Sun at 15 degrees of celestial longitude)
4/9 New Moon
4/16 Start of Grain Rain (Sun at 27 degrees of celestial longitude), First Quarter Moon
4/19 Grain Rain (Sun at 30 degrees of celestial longitude)
4/22 Lyrid Meteor Shower
4/24 Full Moon

■When and in what direction can the planets be seen?
Mercury: Early evening, low in the western sky after sunset
Venus: Difficult to observe
Mars: Before dawn, low in the eastern sky
Jupiter: Early evening, in the western sky after sunset
Saturn: Before dawn, low in the southeastern sky