One Minute Astronomy ~MBA天文家の1分間天文教室


太古の神話では世界のはじまりはどうなっているの? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室



*In ancient myths, how is the beginning of the world described?
How did the world begin? This question, pertaining to the origin of all things, remains relevant from ancient times to the present. In ancient times, myths played a role in explaining questions that surpassed human cognitive abilities. So, how do myths explain this?
There are various myths from different cultures, but many suggest the world was born from an "egg" or from a "male and female god." Since living beings are born from eggs or from male and female, this may have been the most convincing explanation. Myths from China and Finland, for instance, suggest creation from an egg. In Chinese mythology, the giant Pangu was born from the chaos egg, and after his death, his body became the sun, moon, and mountains.
In Babylonian, Norse, Jewish, and Japanese myths, creation is said to have originated from a male and female god. In Babylonian myth, the freshwater god Apsu and the saltwater goddess Tiamat gave birth to many gods. This myth likely reflects Babylon's civilization flourishing between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, suggesting myths are influenced by the characteristics of the land. In Japanese mythology, the male deity Izanagi and female deity Izanami created the islands of Japan.