One Minute Astronomy ~MBA天文家の1分間天文教室


太陽が復活する日とはいつのこと? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室


*When is the day of the sun's resurrection?
In ancient times, the sun was sacred. It was born every morning in the eastern sky, died as it set in the west in the evening, and during the night, it was believed to travel through the world of the dead, only to be reborn in the morning. It also brought the changing seasons, growing stronger and hotter in the summer and weakening in the winter. The summer solstice was the day of the sun's greatest power, while the winter solstice was seen as a day of further decline, with many cultures believing that beyond the setting sun on the winter solstice lay the underworld. In Kairos time, the end of something is also the beginning of the next cycle. Since the sun regains its strength after the winter solstice, it was seen as the day of the sun's resurrection, and winter solstice festivals were held around the world. Christmas also originates from the winter solstice festival celebrated by the ancient Roman cult of Mithras, highlighting the significant influence of the sun.

クロノス時間とカイロス時間とは何? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室

*What are Chronos and Kairos time?
Humans have two concepts of time. One is known as Chronos time, which is the linear progression from past to future, representing the objective time marked by clocks. The other is Kairos time, referring to the subjective, psychological time that humans feel through events and their cycles. It repeats in eternal recurrence through natural rhythms like "day and night," "phases of the moon," and "the four seasons." In modern times, when we talk about time, we usually mean Chronos time, but in the past, people used the sunrise and sunset to mark "a day" and the phases of the moon to mark "a month" in a Kairos sense. The sun and moon were special entities that informed units of time. By the way, Chronos and Kairos are the names of gods of time in Greek mythology.

太古の神話では世界のはじまりはどうなっているの? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室



*In ancient myths, how is the beginning of the world described?
How did the world begin? This question, pertaining to the origin of all things, remains relevant from ancient times to the present. In ancient times, myths played a role in explaining questions that surpassed human cognitive abilities. So, how do myths explain this?
There are various myths from different cultures, but many suggest the world was born from an "egg" or from a "male and female god." Since living beings are born from eggs or from male and female, this may have been the most convincing explanation. Myths from China and Finland, for instance, suggest creation from an egg. In Chinese mythology, the giant Pangu was born from the chaos egg, and after his death, his body became the sun, moon, and mountains.
In Babylonian, Norse, Jewish, and Japanese myths, creation is said to have originated from a male and female god. In Babylonian myth, the freshwater god Apsu and the saltwater goddess Tiamat gave birth to many gods. This myth likely reflects Babylon's civilization flourishing between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, suggesting myths are influenced by the characteristics of the land. In Japanese mythology, the male deity Izanagi and female deity Izanami created the islands of Japan.


4月の星空の見どころは? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室4月の星空の見どころは?


4/2 下弦
4/4 清明(太陽黄経15度)
4/9 新月
4/16 土用の入り(太陽黄経27度)、上弦
4/19 穀雨(太陽黄経30度)
4/22 こと座流星群
4/24 満月

水星:月初 日の入り後 西の低空
火星:日の出前 東の低空
木星:月初 日の入り後西の空
土星:日の出前 東から南東の低空


*What are the highlights of the night sky in April?
Spring is the perfect season for gazing at the night sky, with its warm weather and the gradual shift of winter constellations sinking in the west to make way for those of spring.

■Stargazing Calendar:
4/2 Third Quarter Moon
4/4 Qingming (Sun at 15 degrees of celestial longitude)
4/9 New Moon
4/16 Start of Grain Rain (Sun at 27 degrees of celestial longitude), First Quarter Moon
4/19 Grain Rain (Sun at 30 degrees of celestial longitude)
4/22 Lyrid Meteor Shower
4/24 Full Moon

■When and in what direction can the planets be seen?
Mercury: Early evening, low in the western sky after sunset
Venus: Difficult to observe
Mars: Before dawn, low in the eastern sky
Jupiter: Early evening, in the western sky after sunset
Saturn: Before dawn, low in the southeastern sky

古代の民族神話は何故生まれたの? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室


世界中には様々な民族が存在し、それぞれの神話があります。これらの神話は何故生まれたのでしょうか。神話の多くは、この世界や人間がどのように生まれたかを説明しています。今でこそ科学で宇宙や地球、そして人類のはじまりはある程度解明されていますが、これらは人間にとって根源的な疑問であり、太古の人々も知りたいと考えていたのでしょう。ただ、これらの疑問は人間の思考の限界を超えており、科学技術が発展していない昔では誰も合理的な説明が出来きません。しかし、民族や部族の指導者は、これらの問いにも威厳を持って答えなければいけませんでした。指導者達は、その問いに答えるために色々な説明を試みたのでしょう。それらが語り継がれ、その民族にとって納得のいく物語が生き残り、やがてそれは神話へと昇華をしていきました。このようにそれぞれの民族に神話があるのは、それが必要とされる環境があったからなのです。*Why were ancient ethnic myths born?
Various ethnicities around the world have their own myths. Why were these myths born? Many myths explain how the world, Earth, and humanity came to be. Although science has now largely explained the origins of the universe, Earth, and humanity, these were fundamental questions for humans, even in ancient times. However, these questions exceeded human thought limits, and in the past when science and technology were not developed, no one could give a rational explanation. Nevertheless, leaders of ethnic groups and tribes had to answer these questions with dignity. Leaders tried various explanations to answer these questions. Those stories were passed down, and a story that satisfied the ethnicity survived and eventually ascended to mythology. Each ethnicity has its own mythology because there was an environment where it was needed.


星座の大きさはどう説明したら良いの? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室


*How should we explain the size of constellations?
When explaining the size of constellations, there's often a challenge in effectively conveying their magnitude to others. Moments arise during stargazing when one wishes to articulate observations like "the moon appeared larger today" or "a particular constellation seemed unexpectedly sizable." Describing the apparent size of stars and constellations poses a dilemma: how best to communicate it? Is it through centimeters of length? However, attempting to measure with a ruler or by extending an arm leads to subjective outcomes—measurements vary when taken closer to the eye or by individuals with different arm lengths, rendering it an unreliable standard.
Therefore, the apparent size of celestial objects in the night sky is quantified in "degrees." Imagine a triangle with stars (point A and B) as vertices and your eyes (point C) as the third. The distance between two stars forms angle ACB. For instance, the sun's apparent size measures 0.5 degrees, while the distance between the three stars in Orion's Belt spans 3 degrees. When observing, try using your hand as a measuring tool: the width of your pinky finger when extended equals roughly 1 degree, a clenched fist spans about 10 degrees, and an open hand measures approximately 20 degrees. Use these references as a guide when expressing height or distance in stargazing observations.

流れ星と彗星はどう違うの? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室


*How are shooting stars and comets different?
Shooting stars and comets are captivating celestial displays in the night sky. Comets, also known as 'dirty snowballs' or 'hairy stars,' are characterized by their appearance of stars trailed by a broom-like tail. These are icy bodies orbiting the Sun that, when entering certain orbits, appear to fall toward the Sun. As they approach the Sun, they heat up, releasing gases and dust, creating a tail-like appearance that can extend hundreds of millions of kilometers. Some comets, known as periodic comets, orbit the Sun and are recurrent, such as the famous Halley's Comet, visible approximately every 76 years.
On the other hand, shooting stars occur when small celestial objects or dust particles, roughly the size of pebbles, fall towards Earth and, upon entering the atmosphere, generate intense heat due to friction, resulting in a luminous display. Comets release these dust particles along their orbits, and when Earth intersects this path, a meteor shower occurs. The dates when Earth crosses a comet's orbit are mostly predictable each year, leading to annual meteor showers during specific periods. As these particles come from the same direction, they are named after the constellation in that region, such as the Quadrantids (January), the Perseids (August), and the Geminids (December). These showers are known as the 'big three' meteor showers due to their consistent appearance, offering a spectacle of numerous shooting stars each year.