One Minute Astronomy ~MBA天文家の1分間天文教室


宇宙はどれくらい広いの? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室


*How vast is the universe?
The expanse of the universe is an awe-inspiring concept. To begin envisioning its magnitude, let's start nearby: Earth resides within the confines of the solar system. Countless stars in the sky are each accompanied by planetary systems like our own. Zooming out further, stars cluster together, forming what we call star clusters. These clusters amass to shape galaxies. Our Sun lies within the Milky Way galaxy, situated about 27,000 light-years away from its center toward one of its edges. Interestingly, the Milky Way boasts 200 billion stars and spans approximately 100,000 light-years in size.
Galaxies gather into galaxy clusters, and these clusters form superclusters. These superclusters display a filamentary structure, resembling the way soap bubbles cluster together. At this point, our imagination begins to stretch beyond comprehension. As for the outer reaches of the universe, it's said to extend at least 13.7 billion light-years, if not beyond.

3月の星空の見どころは? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室


3/5 啓蟄。暦では冬籠りの虫が地中から出くる時期です(太陽黄経345度)
3/17 彼岸の入り。彼岸は春分の日の前後3日間でその初日です
3/20 春分(太陽黄経0度)暦の上では春の真ん中です
3/25 水星が東方最大離角。内惑星が太陽から最も離れて見える時です


*What are the highlights of the night sky in March?
March marks the vernal equinox, with daylight gradually increasing and stars becoming visible later. The cold begins to ease, and the season of plum and cherry blossoms arrives.

■Stargazing Calendar:
3/5: Keichitsu, when insects of winter emerge from the ground (Sun's celestial longitude 345 degrees).
3/17: Higan begins, the first day of the three-day period around the vernal equinox.
3/20: Vernal Equinox (Sun's celestial longitude 0 degrees), considered the middle of spring.
3/25: Mercury reaches its greatest eastern elongation, appearing farthest from the Sun.

■When and in what direction can the planets be seen?
Mercury: Reaches its greatest eastern elongation on the 25th, visible in the western low sky at 10 degrees after sunset.
Venus: Visible in the low eastern sky before sunrise.
Mars: Visible in the low eastern sky before sunrise.
Jupiter: Visible in the western sky.
Saturn: Difficult to observe due to its low altitude.

宇宙の距離はどうやって測るの? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室


*How do we measure distances in space?
In our daily lives, we often use kilometers (km) to measure distances, which works well on Earth. However, when it comes to space, this unit presents a challenge due to its vastness. Even the closest star to Earth, the Sun, is situated at a distance of 149.6 million kilometers. This is where light comes into play. Light travels at a speed of 300,000 km per second. Considering Earth's circumference of 40,000 km, light can circle the planet about 7.5 times in one second. When measuring distances in space, we use the term 'light-year,' representing the distance light travels in one year, which equals 9.46 trillion kilometers. The nearest star from Earth, Alpha Centauri in the constellation of Centaurus, is at a distance of 4.3 light-years. The famous Andromeda Galaxy is located at a distance of 2.5 million light-years. Considering it takes sunlight 8 minutes and 19 seconds to reach Earth, it helps us comprehend the vastness of the universe.

星占いの星座は何故あの十二星座なの? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室


*Why Are Those Twelve Zodiac Signs Used in Astrology?
The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west, a result of Earth's rotation. When we consider the relationship between Earth and the Sun, Earth completes one orbit around the Sun in one year. Consequently, the constellations visible from Earth change with the seasons. This apparent movement of the Sun through the constellations is known as the "ecliptic." Astrological zodiac signs are the constellations along this path and are called the "zodiacal constellations." The zodiac sign in astrology corresponds to the constellation where the Sun was positioned at the time of your birth.
The concept of the zodiacal constellations dates back to around 400 BCE in the early Mesopotamian civilizations. Astrology, which required calculations of celestial positions, played a role in driving the development of astronomy, and the zodiacal constellations became a fundamental part of astrology's foundation.


2024年2月の星空の見どころは? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室


2/3 節分 立春の前日が有名ですが、実は年に4回あります。
2/4 立春 暦の上では春が始まります。
2/5 アンタレス食 昼11時頃ですがさそり座の一等星アンタレスが月に隠されます
2/19 雨水 24節気では降る雪が雨に変わり雪解けが始まる時期です


*What's notable in the February night sky?
Winter constellations boast many first-magnitude stars, offering plenty to marvel at in the winter night sky. With clear air, bundle up and enjoy the winter celestial wonders.

■Stargazing Calendar:
2/3 Setsubun: The day before Risshun is famous, but there are actually four Setsubun events each year.
2/4 Risshun: Spring officially begins in the calendar.
2/5 Antares Occultation: Around 11 AM, the first-magnitude star Antares in Scorpius will be hidden by the Moon.
2/19 Usui: In the 24 solar terms, this marks the transition from snowfall to rain, signifying the beginning of snowmelt.

■When and in what direction can the planets be seen?
Mercury: In the southeast sky before sunrise. Becomes more visible around the 12th with its greatest western elongation.
Venus: Visible in the southeast sky before sunrise.
Mars: Appears close to the Sun, making it challenging to observe.
Jupiter: Seen in the evening from the south to southwest sky.
Saturn: Appears in the evening low southwestern sky

節分は2月だけではないことを知っていますか? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室

*Is Setsubun really only in February?
When we think of Setsubun, many envision early February with the custom of throwing beans and eating Eho-maki (sushi rolls believed to bring good fortune). However, Setsubun actually occurs four times a year. In the 24 solar terms of the lunisolar calendar, Setsubun marks the day before the beginning of each season, literally dividing the seasons. So, there are Setsubun events before Risshun (the beginning of spring), Rikka (the beginning of summer), Risshū (the beginning of autumn), and Rittō (the beginning of winter).
In the past, there were attempts by convenience stores and food manufacturers to promote Eho-maki for the Setsubun in August as a summer version, but unfortunately, it didn't catch on. Among the four Setsubun occasions, the one in February holds particular significance as it marks the transition to the new year in the old lunar calendar.

季節によって見える星座が違うのは何故? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室


*Why Do Constellations Change with the Seasons?
When we think of summer constellations, we envision Cygnus, Scorpius, and Aquila, along with the Summer Triangle formed by their brightest stars. In contrast, winter brings us Orion and other seasonal constellations. The reason for these changing constellations isn't due to the stars in the heavens moving; it's because the Earth revolves around the Sun, taking approximately 365.2564 days to complete one orbit, a phenomenon known as revolution. Leap years are introduced to account for the fractional days in this orbital period.
On Earth, nighttime occurs on the side not illuminated by the Sun, allowing us to see the stars. Constellations on the daytime side are hidden by the Sun's brightness. You can think of it as akin to watching the outside scenery while riding on a merry-go-round. As the Earth completes its orbit over 365 days, the night sky gradually shifts, with constellations moving about 1 degree to the west each day at the same time.