One Minute Astronomy ~MBA天文家の1分間天文教室


2024年2月の星空の見どころは? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室


2/3 節分 立春の前日が有名ですが、実は年に4回あります。
2/4 立春 暦の上では春が始まります。
2/5 アンタレス食 昼11時頃ですがさそり座の一等星アンタレスが月に隠されます
2/19 雨水 24節気では降る雪が雨に変わり雪解けが始まる時期です


*What's notable in the February night sky?
Winter constellations boast many first-magnitude stars, offering plenty to marvel at in the winter night sky. With clear air, bundle up and enjoy the winter celestial wonders.

■Stargazing Calendar:
2/3 Setsubun: The day before Risshun is famous, but there are actually four Setsubun events each year.
2/4 Risshun: Spring officially begins in the calendar.
2/5 Antares Occultation: Around 11 AM, the first-magnitude star Antares in Scorpius will be hidden by the Moon.
2/19 Usui: In the 24 solar terms, this marks the transition from snowfall to rain, signifying the beginning of snowmelt.

■When and in what direction can the planets be seen?
Mercury: In the southeast sky before sunrise. Becomes more visible around the 12th with its greatest western elongation.
Venus: Visible in the southeast sky before sunrise.
Mars: Appears close to the Sun, making it challenging to observe.
Jupiter: Seen in the evening from the south to southwest sky.
Saturn: Appears in the evening low southwestern sky