One Minute Astronomy ~MBA天文家の1分間天文教室


3月の星空の見どころは? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室


3/5 啓蟄。暦では冬籠りの虫が地中から出くる時期です(太陽黄経345度)
3/17 彼岸の入り。彼岸は春分の日の前後3日間でその初日です
3/20 春分(太陽黄経0度)暦の上では春の真ん中です
3/25 水星が東方最大離角。内惑星が太陽から最も離れて見える時です


*What are the highlights of the night sky in March?
March marks the vernal equinox, with daylight gradually increasing and stars becoming visible later. The cold begins to ease, and the season of plum and cherry blossoms arrives.

■Stargazing Calendar:
3/5: Keichitsu, when insects of winter emerge from the ground (Sun's celestial longitude 345 degrees).
3/17: Higan begins, the first day of the three-day period around the vernal equinox.
3/20: Vernal Equinox (Sun's celestial longitude 0 degrees), considered the middle of spring.
3/25: Mercury reaches its greatest eastern elongation, appearing farthest from the Sun.

■When and in what direction can the planets be seen?
Mercury: Reaches its greatest eastern elongation on the 25th, visible in the western low sky at 10 degrees after sunset.
Venus: Visible in the low eastern sky before sunrise.
Mars: Visible in the low eastern sky before sunrise.
Jupiter: Visible in the western sky.
Saturn: Difficult to observe due to its low altitude.