One Minute Astronomy ~MBA天文家の1分間天文教室


流れ星と彗星はどう違うの? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室


*How are shooting stars and comets different?
Shooting stars and comets are captivating celestial displays in the night sky. Comets, also known as 'dirty snowballs' or 'hairy stars,' are characterized by their appearance of stars trailed by a broom-like tail. These are icy bodies orbiting the Sun that, when entering certain orbits, appear to fall toward the Sun. As they approach the Sun, they heat up, releasing gases and dust, creating a tail-like appearance that can extend hundreds of millions of kilometers. Some comets, known as periodic comets, orbit the Sun and are recurrent, such as the famous Halley's Comet, visible approximately every 76 years.
On the other hand, shooting stars occur when small celestial objects or dust particles, roughly the size of pebbles, fall towards Earth and, upon entering the atmosphere, generate intense heat due to friction, resulting in a luminous display. Comets release these dust particles along their orbits, and when Earth intersects this path, a meteor shower occurs. The dates when Earth crosses a comet's orbit are mostly predictable each year, leading to annual meteor showers during specific periods. As these particles come from the same direction, they are named after the constellation in that region, such as the Quadrantids (January), the Perseids (August), and the Geminids (December). These showers are known as the 'big three' meteor showers due to their consistent appearance, offering a spectacle of numerous shooting stars each year.