One Minute Astronomy ~MBA天文家の1分間天文教室


二十四節気とは何? ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室


こよみ用語解説 二十四節気 - 国立天文台暦計算室

*What are the 24 Solar Terms?
The term "24 Solar Terms" refers to a calendar that divides the year into 24 segments based on the sun's position. It divides the sun's movement along the ecliptic into 24 equal parts, each spanning 15 degrees. The year is divided into four seasons—spring, summer, autumn, and winter—and further subdivided into six each. Dates like the spring and autumn equinoxes, summer and winter solstices mark the transitions between these seasons and are often topics of discussion in daily life. Understanding these terms can help us feel more connected to the changing seasons. For detailed explanations of the solar terms, please refer to the National Astronomical Observatory's glossary.