One Minute Astronomy ~MBA天文家Ray (星のソムリエ®星空案内人)の1分間天文教室

宇宙や星空をもっと身近でワクワクするものへ♪ MBA天文家Rayが宇宙と星空の不思議をわかりやすく解説します。


ナスカの地上絵は何故描かれたの?~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室


*Why Were the Nazca Lines Drawn?
The Nazca Lines are drawings of animals, plants, and geometric shapes etched into the desert surface of Peru. With over a thousand figures, including hummingbirds and condors, these lines date back about 2,000 years. The arid environment, with little rain and minimal wildlife activity, has preserved them remarkably well.
Why were the Nazca Lines created? There are various theories, but the most prominent one suggests they were used for rainmaking rituals. The Nazca people believed that the Milky Way and earthly water were interconnected. They thought that when the Milky Way wasn’t clearly visible, it wouldn’t rain. To summon water even during such times, they drew images of the animals and plants from the Milky Way on the ground. Interestingly, they depicted the dark patches of the Milky Way rather than its stars. The night skies back then, free from light pollution, must have been stunningly beautiful.