One Minute Astronomy ~MBA天文家Ray (星のソムリエ®星空案内人)の1分間天文教室

宇宙や星空をもっと身近でワクワクするものへ♪ MBA天文家Rayが宇宙と星空の不思議をわかりやすく解説します。


星空案内人の試験に合格しました ~ MBA天文家Ray(星のソムリエ)の1分間天文教室



*I passed the exam to become a Stargazing Guide!
I have been promoted from an Assistant Stargazing Guide to a full Stargazing Guide. I obtained the qualification of Assistant Stargazing Guide last autumn, but passing the practical exam was necessary to become a full guide. The practical exam was quite challenging; I had to pass practical tests on constellations and telescopes, and finally, I had to conduct a stargazing session in front of an audience of more than 15 people and receive positive feedback from more than half of them in a survey.Therefore, during a stargazing event held at the Handa Sky Science Museum, I conducted my stargazing session in front of about 20 people for the first time. As a result, everyone said they had a great time, so I was able to pass the exam to become a Stargazing Guide. I am very happy!
During the practical exam, I conducted a 15-minute stargazing session on the theme of "The Difference between the Apparent Brightness and the Actual Brightness of Stars."
-The brightness of a star changes depending on the "amount of light emitted by the star" and "the distance from the Earth."
-Which is the brightest among the Sun, Sirius, and Antares in terms of actual brightness (absolute magnitude)?
-The starry sky is a time machine nearby. Let's relate the distance to the stars (light-years) to historical events.
In the survey, I received very heartwarming comments, such as "It was a bit challenging, but the children were interested." Now that I have obtained the qualification of Stargazing Guide, I hope to share my knowledge and experiences little by little through astronomical volunteering, hoping to inspire someone else to take a new step forward.